@Oprah has been a top trend topic on twitter since she joined last week. I'm torn on my feelings toward her bringing twitter to the mainstream. On the one hand I'm glad bc I think it gives twitter some legitimacy and now most people should now stop asking what it is and what is the point, Oprah's on it so that's all that matters. On the other hand, I hate that people are jumping on the bandwagon just bc Oprah has given something her stamp of approval. I don't read books bc Oprah says so, I don't buy products bc Oprah says so and frankly I'm not really interested in seeing Oprah's updates on twitter.
From what I've heard she is only interacting with a select group of celebs on twitter which completely defeats the purpose. I've decided not to follow or tweet about her and fervently pray that people lose interest in this topic sooner rather than later. I have a feeling that Oprah will soon.